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Euroinvest Holding, s.r.o.
Seat: Buková 10
040 14 KOŠICE
Office: Letná 42
040 01 KOŠICE
Slovak republic
Tel.: +421 915 851185

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Home » Accounting

Accounting & audit

Accounting and accounting advisory

With our service you will get professional accounting and payroll management. We always proceed in accordance with current legislation and in the interest of the client. Our company has several years of experience with management accounting and financial advisory services. For many clients we fully substitute the economic department of the company. The basic aim is to offer such services that accounting is conducted in accordance with the law on accounting and other related regulations. Our goal is to provide accurate information about financial statements in an intelligible form to the individual needs and requirements.

Financial Accounting

In the context of financial accounting we offer the following services:

  • external management of financial accounting
  • the processing of Financial Statements and the Annual Report
  • accounting advisory
  • preparation of the consolidated Financial Statements
  • analysis of the accounts (costs, profitability, fixed capital ...)
  • compilation of syndicated financial statements
  • mutual reconciliations of capital merged firms
  • confirmation of accounts receivable and accounts payable
  • workout of internal guidelines for the area of financial accounting and wage accounting
  • wages accounting

Past experience indicates that optimal results for the client brings a comprehensive treatment throughout the book-tax issues. Nevertheless, we realize for our clients either short-term projects aimed at solving partial problems of client (workout of internal guidelines, the draft analytical evidence, etc.).

Audit of Financial Statements

The purpose of auditing the financial statements is to express the opinion that it is prepared in all the major links in accordance with the applicable rules and procedures for reporting and for accounting, and whether there is an annual report in accordance with the accounts.

In cooperation with the auditors we provide independent audit for client that includes:

  • verification of relevance, completeness and accuracy of accounting under IAS
  • assess whether the information in the accounts reliably reflect the state of assets and liabilities, financial position and accounting result of the company
  • qualified, objective, comprehensive evaluation of the activities of the company

In addition to the audit report we try to offer consultancy and solutions to our clients that will help to increase the success and dynamics of audited company.

Controlling of accounting

A review of the accounting seeks to enforce the control of the accounts of the entity, such as the obligation to verify the accounts by auditor does not have. Emphasis is placed on control of the system, therefore primarily on the quality of internal controls, accounting procedure analysis ( used methods and manners), an analysis of accounting information system, etc. Controlling of accounts off the compulsory audit is usually applied as a system of ongoing monitoring. Thus, there is the correction of errors in real time. We always consult and discus the results of the checks with the client and it is on the client‘s decission whether the auditor's recommendation will be applied

Outsourcing of Accounting services

Modern small and medium-sized enterprises find it preferable to entrust the accounting services for external specialists. Read the advantages that will bring outsourcing of accountancy services to you.